Your UBM membership dues can get you as little, or as much, as you want. The least you will get from your UMB membership is the peace of mind of knowing that there are people out there working on your behalf to keep bowhunting alive and well in the state of Missouri.
The UBM is up-to-date on what’s happening in the bowhunting community locally.
The UBM is involved in a variety of archery-related issues like the Missouri Archery in Schools Program (MASP) and the establishment of urban bowhunting programs. We make sure our members know about any proposed changes to Missouri’s bowhunting regulations, and we are tirelessly working to keep crossbows out of Missouri’s archery season except for those who are truly handicapped. We listen to our member’s advice and concerns and make sure your voice is heard by those who set the rules.
The UBM is up-to-date on what’s happening in the bowhunting community nationally.
Many of our members also belong to national bowhunting organizations such as Comptons, the Professional Bowhunters Society (PBS), and the Pope & Young Club. They keep abreast of all the latest developments across the country that may affect the way you are able to participate in your beloved sport. This information is then passed onto you through the UBM newsletter and the quarterly UBM board meetings.
All you have to do is fill out the membership application and pay your annual dues of $25.00. That’s less than what you can buy a 6-pack of broadheads for.
If you wish to be a more active member, you will get a lifetime of opportunities – opportunities to meet other fellow bowhunters, opportunities to shoot and hunt in different places, and opportunities to try to make a difference in someone else’s life through archery and bowhunting. We are a family-oriented organization that has two main annual events – the Festival in February and the Rendezvous in June, and both of these gatherings give you plenty of time to shoot bows, talk about previous hunts with other enthusiasts, and make plans for going on new ones. There is usually a UBM sponsored fish-shoot sometime in the summer and a squirrel hunt in the winter. Many members also band together during the year to hunt a myriad of animals all across the continent.
And then there’s the volunteering. Each year we are asked by several groups across Missouri to help mentor children in the use of archery equipment. At camps and fairs throughout the year, UBM members generously give their time so that youngsters can have the chance to shoot a bow – maybe for the very first time. Some of the kids in attendance may have a severe disability, and it is especially rewarding to see them overcome their challenges, with you by their side. It’s a winning situation for everyone – you get to positively influence a young person’s life while participating in an activity you love and are passionate about.